Thursday, June 9, 2011

To disconnect from the media or to not disconnect from the media that is the question

I find that I personally use my phone the most out of the electronic devices. I have a droid so it has the internet on the phone. I use my phone for communicating with family, friends, professors whether its through a phone call, text messaging or emailing. I do use the internet a lot when it comes to education especially when writing a paper, doing research, or using dictionary or  The internet is a major tool I feel for all students when it comes to their school work because it truly can help a lot when finding more information especially on a particular topic, the student just has to make sure it is a reliable source. Personally, I feel like I could cut down on my “facebook” time which I am in the process of working on because it does cut into my time when I can be doing something constructive instead. Todays society is very connected to the media especially with all of the social networking sites that companies now use to get their name out there to the people. Students are very connected to the media also when do you ever see someone open up a dictionary or a thesaurus anymore when they can just go online and type it in and within seconds is an answer. I do not think that we should entirely disconnect from the media because it has progressed so far over the years and has taken technology to another level.  If I were to disconnect from the media I would try to make it that I would have no access to it. I have tried this with facebook before by deactivating my page, but sadly I only lasted twenty two hours. Also I have shut my cell phone off before when I really need to concentrate or just need some “me” time.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I feel like the majority of my day is taken up by media. I also tried deactivating my Facebook and it lasted a month but I ended up reactivating it because I enjoy keeping in touch with people that I may not get a chance to call or see every once in a while. For example this morning I wanted to have all of my online class done by 8 because I have to go to work at 9 and here I am an hour later doing it because I was looking around on Facebook and other pages before I ventured to this page. It's kind of frustrating sometimes but it's what the world of technology has done to us lately..
