Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hero or Moron?

A Texas jumped out of line at Walmart to try to stop a trio of beer thieves. The woman ran at full speed out of Walmart like the store was on fire and jumped on top of the thieves car and started stomping on the windshield. She then realized that they were starting to drive off so she jumped off of the vehicle and held on to the handle bar of the door. The car started speeding off with the woman still gripping the handle and finally she let go letting her body hit the cement. The woman walked away from the scene with a bruised eye and scrapes and cuts lucky that she only walked away with those minor injuries because it could have been a lot worse. I work in retail and we are even trained to not deal with thieves and to let the police deal with them because you never know how they are going to react. I consider this woman to be absolutely nuts to chase after these young men and then proceed to jump on their car she could have ended up dead. She should have tried not to be the hero in this situation and let the authorities deal with them.

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