Friday, June 17, 2011

Is it even safe to leave your house nowadays?

Another college girl has gone missing! The more and more I see the cases of missing college girls on the news or online I get sick to my stomach. To think that these beautiful girls are college students just living life and the next minute they are gone and no one has any idea what happened to them is scary and also very puzzling. All I can think of is where were there friends when they went missing? Whenever I go out with my friends we always make sure to stick together and dont wander off by ourselves because it really isnt safe to be a girl walking by yourself down a street at night. I work at a mall and when we are closing at night its a rule for every store that even all the assosiates have to walk out together so why arnt these college girls friends getting the memo! Lauren Spierer a 20 year old fashion student from Indiana University went missing late last week. Police said she had left her cell phone and shoes at the bar and a male friend said that she walked home after leaving his apartment and no one knows what happened to her on her walk home. There have been so many cases of missing college girls that even celebrities have gotten involved by tweeting for people to help find the girls and to let police officials know if they have any information on them. I pray that all of the college girls are found and that these missing college girl cases come to an end because it does show that we do live in a scary world and we all need to always think about our own safety first.


  1. It really is so scary. Whenever i go out with my friends we always stay together, none of us have ever left alone. I always hear of college girls who have gone missing and it really is awful. These girls are so young with their whole lives ahead of them, and it is cut short because of one bad decision to go out alone at night. We don't seem to be learning the dangers that can happen, because it still seems to happen way too often.

  2. I really agree with you about the friends of these missing girls. I'm sure they're racked with guilt and feel awful letting their friend wander off. It seems like such an avoidable circumstance. Though it's not the fault of the friend's alone, where were these girls' instincts and intuition telling them that walking alone in the middle of the night isn't the best idea? No one could have known what would have happened, but it just is a shame because it's so avoidable.
