Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Casey Anthony...The next OJ?

How can Casey Anthony appear in court and not be hysterically crying continuously knowing that her two year old daughter is dead and her remains were found decaying in her vehicle? Seems a little suspicious if you ask me... The 25 year old Casey Anthony is standing trial in Orlando Florida. She is being charged with first-degree murder from the June 16, 2008 death of her two year old daughter Caylee. Prosecutors say that Casey hid her daughters disappearance for a month. Arpad Vass has worked at an outdoor body farm studying human decomposition. Baez, Caseys Anthony's attorney says that Vass is testifying out his field of expertise. Vass had studied the decomposing body of Casey Anthonys daughter and he said that he and other scientist found an unusual quantity of chloroform. Well this is where it gets mysterious because prosecutors told jurors that someone had researched chloroform (a once popular anesthetic) on the Anthony family computer a few months before Caylee's death. Casey Anthony could end up getting off because the evidence is not concrete and it seems that her attorney is pulling anything out of his bag of tricks to make sure she does not face the death penalty. Now, lets travel back in time to the year 1995,the OJ Simpson trial, the prosecution presented shaky evidence which were the infamous pair of gloves. OJ's attorney said "if they dont fit you must acquit" and they didnt fit and OJ was found not guilty. The same could happen in the Casey Anthony trial because of all the shaky evidence being presented. So we will have another OJ case? We will have to watch and see

1 comment:

  1. This case is completely puzzling to me. As a mother of 2, I just can't understand. A beautiful life that was brought so innocently into this world is now gone because of this woman. I say woman because to me, a person that would do such a thing just doesnt deserve to be called by name. I can't imagine how you could duct tape your little girls mouth shut, watch her die and then stuff her in your trunk. Even worse what type of person drives around with the body in the trunk for days pretending it is a dead squirrel? I am praying for justice on this case!
