Friday, June 10, 2011


I currently have two jobs which have very different work rituals. I am a ballroom dance instructor at Paris Academy of Ballroom Dancing in Raynham and a sales associate at Express at the South Shore Plaza. When opening at the dance studio I unlock the door and turn on the lights. Then I turn on the sound system and make sure the lesson book is open so the other instructors and I can see what students we have for the day and the times. When leaving the studio I shut off the sound system and the lights then lock the door.  At my second job at the clothing store express it is completely different when I arrive or close. When I arrive at Express for my shift I first walk to the backroom and grab my lock to put my purse and jacket away in my locker. Then I have to get a headset and turn it on then go look at the work board to see who the managers are for the day and how much money they are trying to reach selling wise for the day. I leave the backroom and go to the register to clock in and then I have to find the manager to see what task they would like me to do at that time. When leaving or closing at Express I have to make sure all of the clothes are back in the correct spot or as we call it “zone”. After we put all of the clothes back then we are allowed to remove our headsets and get our belongings out of our lockers . Finally, I have to go to the registers and clock out then find a manger to walk me to the front of the store to get my jacket and my purse and then I get to leave. Does anyone notice that we all have rituals that we do every single day even in the media they have rituals on which news stories they are going to cover or how they are going to deliver the news. I do believe in breaking away from rituals though and adding a little spice to life because lets be serious we all need it sometimes!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you, my life is a ritual! I also work two jobs, however they sound less stressful then yours. im stressed just reading about it aha. I try little things like driving different streets to work for a change of scenery or just for something new. there are usually little things you can do to switch up your normal work routine to make things interesting.
