Monday, June 6, 2011

The Social Network or The Sexting Network?

If no one has turned on the news today… be glad you didn’t! A representative of New York, Anthony Weiner, admitted that he sexted six women over the last three years through Facebook and putting up “flirty” and pictures of his privates on Twitter. Honestly, this story and this representative make me disgusted. Being a representative from the state of New York he obviously is involved or in the media in his everyday life. So, it baffles me that he had to be that “perverted” to send filthy pictures of himself to young girls on one of the most popular social networking sites thinking that he was never going to be caught? Also, what makes this story even more scandalous then it already is, is that he is a married man sending these pictures to young women.  Weiner has come forth admitting his “dirty side” and refuses to resign from his position in office. The media blitz is going to have a field day since this is called “Weinergate”. So keep your eyes posted if you’re a young girl and are getting asked by Anthony Weiner to follow you on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this on the internet yesterday and I was disgusted as well. The whole "sexting" world will never make sense to me. I can't even imagine what his wife is feeling right now, poor lady. Since he's a representative there could be people against him who are setting him up to this and sending fake photos, it's a crazy world out there and I wouldn't put it past anyone. If it is indeed a young girl that he is exchanging pictures with that's disgusting and he should be sent to jail, forever. The media allows people to have a little too much freedom in my eyes.
