Thursday, June 16, 2011

Crazy Canucks!

Vancouver is known as a disgrace because of the way they reacted to the Boston Bruins winning the Stanley Cup last night. There have been pictures, blogs, and news coverage on the destructive riots that occrured last night because people are in shock of how the Vancouver fans acted because the Stanley Cup loss. Police noticed fans after the game with goggles, gasoline, and other tools to create damage in the streets. I saw on the news that one of the fans threw himself into a burning fire and received third degree burns all over his bodybecause of how enraged he was at Vancouvers loss! Is that guy stupid or on something because that is not how normal human beings act! City crews and glas repair companies are still working to repair dozens of businesses that were effected by the all of the crazy fans breaking everything in sight and flipping vehicles. Lighting things and people on fire is a totally normal thing to do after a team that you dont even play on loses the Stanley Cup right? All I can say is that I dont think that Boston fans would have acted in that way in the crazy canucks can stay out of Boston because we dont need anyone being lit on fire.

1 comment:

  1. The riots were insane they started breaking into everything in Vancouver center and I saw on the news people videotaping people breaking into Macys and coach and stealing everything out of there. The news coverage was crazy and they captured some moments that Vancouver should be ashamed of. Boston wouldn’t of acted the same and I feel as we would be upset and riot but I don’t think they would of disgraced our state as bad as the canucks did.
