Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Online Dating...Safe or Not Safe?

The other day I was at my job ringing out a customer and there was an older woman who came into the store to buy a dress so she could take professional pictures for online dating sites.Whatever happened to old fashion dating when you meet someone at work, a night out, or through a friend? I feel like absolutely everything in the world is done online now when people are lazy  or just feel that it is there only option. I have heard of some success stories that have met there significant other and have lived happily ever after yadda yadda yadda... But I feel that putting your picture and information on a dating website no matter how safe they say they are a person is taking a major risk. I feel like they are taking a major risk because lets be serious there are a lot unstable and crazy people in the world today.  You have to think when you are putting your information up what are everyone elses intentions on this website? I'm not saying I'm against them and I do feel like if a person is lonely and feels like they are open to anything then a dating website is a great source for them. However, if a person still feels like there are guys out there that they dont have to meet online they should put themselves out there instead of relying on the internet!


  1. My sister met her wonderful boyfriend on match.com and they have been together for over 3 years and are on the road to marriage (I hope). She is a lawyer and he is a doctor, so neither of them had time to go out to bars or somewhere to meet people. Fortunately, this is a success story. But I do agree with you that there are some dangers. I think that we have to rely on our instincts when it comes to this kind of stuff. But I really do think that online dating is a good thing and has helped a lot of people that are too busy for old fashioned meet and greets.

  2. I think online dating opens many doors to those seeking a relationship out there. As a single girl myself, i can say that it is hard to meet people out there! Im not at the place in my life where i feel the need to go to an online dating website, but if im still single in 5 years...then who knows! I think as long as people are smart and safe about who they meet and the information they provide on their profile, then online dating can be a safe way to meet new people.

  3. I really think it is because in the recent years, just about everything has moved online. Online shopping, online dating, online cookbooks.. whatever! It's the flow of society. Can you imagine what would happen if the internet suddenly wasn't available to us?
