Sunday, June 26, 2011

A car or a horse?

I can personally not take the price of gas anymore. I feel that everyday my money in my debit account is going to gas. I travel a lot between work, dance, and hanging with friends and they are spread throughout various cities. I can atleast say that I'm happy right now that gas has gone down because today I was able to get gas for $3.54. Everyone knows though that this is not going to last because of the fossil fuels and stockmarket specualtors. Its just really tough on people especailly in this economy for people that are losing their homes and worrying about how they are going to feed their families to worry about how they are going to fill their tanks in the morning. Hopefully gas will not go up or I know that I will be trading my car in for a horse!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Gay marriage bill has been passed in New York! This is a beautiful thing because everyone deserves the right to be equal. I feel that no matter who you if you love the other person unconditionally and want to spend the rest of your life with them why should anyway stand in their way or judge? New York has become the sixth and largest state to legalize gay marriage. Assuming everything goes right gay marriages in New York can take place in July. New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire are the only three states so far that have legalized gay marriage without being forced to by a court. This will be marked as an historic even and hopefully more equality acts will soon follow in the future.

Friday, June 24, 2011


To all of the people out there that want to experience new things in life do not resort to taking drugs for instance cocaine. ABC news reported yesterday reported that there is a type of cocaine that eats your flesh. There is an outbreak of this type of drug in New York and Los Angeles. The drug is laced with the veterinary drug levamisole which is used to deworm cattle, pigs, and sheep. Lavamisole rots the skin off of noses, ears, and cheeks. A doctor reported seeing a man whose entire body is rotting because of this drug. I would never take drugs but for people who do you are really playing with fire by taking this one because who wants to end up with no face because of one night of taking cocaine.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hero or Moron?

A Texas jumped out of line at Walmart to try to stop a trio of beer thieves. The woman ran at full speed out of Walmart like the store was on fire and jumped on top of the thieves car and started stomping on the windshield. She then realized that they were starting to drive off so she jumped off of the vehicle and held on to the handle bar of the door. The car started speeding off with the woman still gripping the handle and finally she let go letting her body hit the cement. The woman walked away from the scene with a bruised eye and scrapes and cuts lucky that she only walked away with those minor injuries because it could have been a lot worse. I work in retail and we are even trained to not deal with thieves and to let the police deal with them because you never know how they are going to react. I consider this woman to be absolutely nuts to chase after these young men and then proceed to jump on their car she could have ended up dead. She should have tried not to be the hero in this situation and let the authorities deal with them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Drunk Driving

It came out today that Jackass star Ryan Dunn's blood alcohol level was more than double the limit which was the cause of hit fatal car accident the other night. Dunn had left a bar and was driving at a speed of 132 mph. Police said when they arrived at the scene that it was one of the most guresome car accidents they have witnessed because the car had gone up in flames. It really drives me crazy when I see peoples lives being taken away because of alcohol. Car accidents that happen while under the influence of alcohol are 100% preventable. People should always have a designated driver that is not going to drink alcohol for the night so everyone can go home in one piece and keep living their lives. Its such a sad story when someones dies from drunk driving because it effects everyone that is involved in their lives. Everyone needs to think before they take a drink to make sure they do not have to drive home because not only could they end up taking their life but they could take other innocent lives on the road too!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Online Dating...Safe or Not Safe?

The other day I was at my job ringing out a customer and there was an older woman who came into the store to buy a dress so she could take professional pictures for online dating sites.Whatever happened to old fashion dating when you meet someone at work, a night out, or through a friend? I feel like absolutely everything in the world is done online now when people are lazy  or just feel that it is there only option. I have heard of some success stories that have met there significant other and have lived happily ever after yadda yadda yadda... But I feel that putting your picture and information on a dating website no matter how safe they say they are a person is taking a major risk. I feel like they are taking a major risk because lets be serious there are a lot unstable and crazy people in the world today.  You have to think when you are putting your information up what are everyone elses intentions on this website? I'm not saying I'm against them and I do feel like if a person is lonely and feels like they are open to anything then a dating website is a great source for them. However, if a person still feels like there are guys out there that they dont have to meet online they should put themselves out there instead of relying on the internet!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Is it even safe to leave your house nowadays?

Another college girl has gone missing! The more and more I see the cases of missing college girls on the news or online I get sick to my stomach. To think that these beautiful girls are college students just living life and the next minute they are gone and no one has any idea what happened to them is scary and also very puzzling. All I can think of is where were there friends when they went missing? Whenever I go out with my friends we always make sure to stick together and dont wander off by ourselves because it really isnt safe to be a girl walking by yourself down a street at night. I work at a mall and when we are closing at night its a rule for every store that even all the assosiates have to walk out together so why arnt these college girls friends getting the memo! Lauren Spierer a 20 year old fashion student from Indiana University went missing late last week. Police said she had left her cell phone and shoes at the bar and a male friend said that she walked home after leaving his apartment and no one knows what happened to her on her walk home. There have been so many cases of missing college girls that even celebrities have gotten involved by tweeting for people to help find the girls and to let police officials know if they have any information on them. I pray that all of the college girls are found and that these missing college girl cases come to an end because it does show that we do live in a scary world and we all need to always think about our own safety first.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Crazy Canucks!

Vancouver is known as a disgrace because of the way they reacted to the Boston Bruins winning the Stanley Cup last night. There have been pictures, blogs, and news coverage on the destructive riots that occrured last night because people are in shock of how the Vancouver fans acted because the Stanley Cup loss. Police noticed fans after the game with goggles, gasoline, and other tools to create damage in the streets. I saw on the news that one of the fans threw himself into a burning fire and received third degree burns all over his bodybecause of how enraged he was at Vancouvers loss! Is that guy stupid or on something because that is not how normal human beings act! City crews and glas repair companies are still working to repair dozens of businesses that were effected by the all of the crazy fans breaking everything in sight and flipping vehicles. Lighting things and people on fire is a totally normal thing to do after a team that you dont even play on loses the Stanley Cup right? All I can say is that I dont think that Boston fans would have acted in that way in the crazy canucks can stay out of Boston because we dont need anyone being lit on fire.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What is Wrong with our Society?

The other day when I was driving down the street in Brockton to get the A/C in my car fixed I noticed a road block and dozens of cops and unmarked police cruisers. I thought to myself that something must have been wrong because it did not look like a car accident since there were no damaged cars in sight Little did I know the  next day in the newspaper on the front page that a poor fifty one year old woman was shot exactly where I was driving. Jennifer Rodrigues Teixera, was an innocent bystander who had just left church and was walking down the street when she was in line of fire and shot  by nineteen year old boy. She died from a gun shot to the back. This story makes me very sad for the woman and her family and angry because it seemes that this country has had more gun violence than ever lately. What has become of the people of the world that they have to relate matters to violence and end up taking lives of innocent people?

Friday, June 10, 2011


I currently have two jobs which have very different work rituals. I am a ballroom dance instructor at Paris Academy of Ballroom Dancing in Raynham and a sales associate at Express at the South Shore Plaza. When opening at the dance studio I unlock the door and turn on the lights. Then I turn on the sound system and make sure the lesson book is open so the other instructors and I can see what students we have for the day and the times. When leaving the studio I shut off the sound system and the lights then lock the door.  At my second job at the clothing store express it is completely different when I arrive or close. When I arrive at Express for my shift I first walk to the backroom and grab my lock to put my purse and jacket away in my locker. Then I have to get a headset and turn it on then go look at the work board to see who the managers are for the day and how much money they are trying to reach selling wise for the day. I leave the backroom and go to the register to clock in and then I have to find the manager to see what task they would like me to do at that time. When leaving or closing at Express I have to make sure all of the clothes are back in the correct spot or as we call it “zone”. After we put all of the clothes back then we are allowed to remove our headsets and get our belongings out of our lockers . Finally, I have to go to the registers and clock out then find a manger to walk me to the front of the store to get my jacket and my purse and then I get to leave. Does anyone notice that we all have rituals that we do every single day even in the media they have rituals on which news stories they are going to cover or how they are going to deliver the news. I do believe in breaking away from rituals though and adding a little spice to life because lets be serious we all need it sometimes!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

To disconnect from the media or to not disconnect from the media that is the question

I find that I personally use my phone the most out of the electronic devices. I have a droid so it has the internet on the phone. I use my phone for communicating with family, friends, professors whether its through a phone call, text messaging or emailing. I do use the internet a lot when it comes to education especially when writing a paper, doing research, or using dictionary or  The internet is a major tool I feel for all students when it comes to their school work because it truly can help a lot when finding more information especially on a particular topic, the student just has to make sure it is a reliable source. Personally, I feel like I could cut down on my “facebook” time which I am in the process of working on because it does cut into my time when I can be doing something constructive instead. Todays society is very connected to the media especially with all of the social networking sites that companies now use to get their name out there to the people. Students are very connected to the media also when do you ever see someone open up a dictionary or a thesaurus anymore when they can just go online and type it in and within seconds is an answer. I do not think that we should entirely disconnect from the media because it has progressed so far over the years and has taken technology to another level.  If I were to disconnect from the media I would try to make it that I would have no access to it. I have tried this with facebook before by deactivating my page, but sadly I only lasted twenty two hours. Also I have shut my cell phone off before when I really need to concentrate or just need some “me” time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Is Hollywood Losing Its Originality?

One of the major complaints about movies nowadays is that there is no originality. I personally think that Hollywood has truly lost its originality when it comes to all genres of movies. Whether it’s a comedy, drama, romance, or action film there are many similarities within each category. Take for instance old films like Singing in the Rain and Gone with the Wind these are classic Hollywood films that really bring out the old time Hollywood glamour and are original. If the film industry went to do a remake of one of those films today it would most likely be a flop because they would want to go above and beyond and add to many things to it whether to make it 3D or add tons of action it would take away from the film in which people would lose the true meaning of them. Remakes or sequels however can come sometimes be successful but it when the film industry tries to do too many sequels for example all of the “Saw” movies the audience gets bored because they are not producing new ideas. I feel that not having originality is a bad thing because it is not giving something for the audience to look forward to because they can simply walk into the movie knowing what to already expect and where is the fun in that? I personally like going into a movie and leaving not expecting what I thought was going to happen because it shows that the writers are trying to make people think then just simply watch.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Casey Anthony...The next OJ?

How can Casey Anthony appear in court and not be hysterically crying continuously knowing that her two year old daughter is dead and her remains were found decaying in her vehicle? Seems a little suspicious if you ask me... The 25 year old Casey Anthony is standing trial in Orlando Florida. She is being charged with first-degree murder from the June 16, 2008 death of her two year old daughter Caylee. Prosecutors say that Casey hid her daughters disappearance for a month. Arpad Vass has worked at an outdoor body farm studying human decomposition. Baez, Caseys Anthony's attorney says that Vass is testifying out his field of expertise. Vass had studied the decomposing body of Casey Anthonys daughter and he said that he and other scientist found an unusual quantity of chloroform. Well this is where it gets mysterious because prosecutors told jurors that someone had researched chloroform (a once popular anesthetic) on the Anthony family computer a few months before Caylee's death. Casey Anthony could end up getting off because the evidence is not concrete and it seems that her attorney is pulling anything out of his bag of tricks to make sure she does not face the death penalty. Now, lets travel back in time to the year 1995,the OJ Simpson trial, the prosecution presented shaky evidence which were the infamous pair of gloves. OJ's attorney said "if they dont fit you must acquit" and they didnt fit and OJ was found not guilty. The same could happen in the Casey Anthony trial because of all the shaky evidence being presented. So we will have another OJ case? We will have to watch and see

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Social Network or The Sexting Network?

If no one has turned on the news today… be glad you didn’t! A representative of New York, Anthony Weiner, admitted that he sexted six women over the last three years through Facebook and putting up “flirty” and pictures of his privates on Twitter. Honestly, this story and this representative make me disgusted. Being a representative from the state of New York he obviously is involved or in the media in his everyday life. So, it baffles me that he had to be that “perverted” to send filthy pictures of himself to young girls on one of the most popular social networking sites thinking that he was never going to be caught? Also, what makes this story even more scandalous then it already is, is that he is a married man sending these pictures to young women.  Weiner has come forth admitting his “dirty side” and refuses to resign from his position in office. The media blitz is going to have a field day since this is called “Weinergate”. So keep your eyes posted if you’re a young girl and are getting asked by Anthony Weiner to follow you on Twitter.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reality TV Shows- Jersey Style

Out of fifty states in the USA why do reality TV shows choose to take place in New Jersey? There are so many other interesting, beautiful, and historic states and television decides to focus on what is known as the “armpit of America”.  Reality shows such as The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Jersey Shore, Jerseylicious, and Jersey Couture all take place in New Jersey. I have to admit that I am a number one fan of The Real Housewives of New Jersey and Jerseylicious because of all the drama that is in each show and I like how every woman on the show is one percent confident with themselves and they all act like they know what they want and they won’t let anyone step in their way to keep them from obtaining it. "The one thing that we see resonating throughout all the shows, I believe, is loyalty and family. We understand we're not perfect, but if we have something to say, we say it", said Caroline Manzo from The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Honestly the drama that goes on throughout these shows and the words that come out of their mouths could not be scripted and the shows really do give a deep look into the lives of people living in New Jersey. Ever since MTV’s popular show which received good and bad feedback, Jersey Shore, there have been more reality shows that take place in New Jersey. The shows and the people on them do keep me entertained and coming back each week to watch them for more but maybe the reality TV world should try to find some other drama filled people within the other forty nine states because they are making it seem that it only happens in New Jersey which we all know is not true!